Monday, September 28, 2009

A Text to Share

 Every week day I receive by way of email about a five-minute read from a novel -- same novel all five days until I've read about 20 to 25 pages, then begin a new novel the next week.   I accessed the
TEEN BOOK CLUB through the American Fork City Library.  You don't have to have a library card to subscribe to this or other email book clubs. 

I don't know yet what I'll do with the following excerpt, but isn't it a great beginning for a book?!
What do you notice about it?

by Hannah Roberts McKinnon
Here's how the book begins:


When Grandma Rae Parker stole me away to the preacher on the morning
of my kidnapped christening, she told him, "Bless this one just a
mite bit more, if you will, dear reverend. She may be a Parker, but
she's got her mother's look in the eye." For that fact I am proud,
because what Grandma Rae didn't understand was that any trait shared
with my mother was already blessing enough.

Daddy says Mama is part wolf. Mama's love has teeth. Like the wolf
who carries her pups real gentle in her mouth, then curls her lips
back to show a sharp mouthful when she feels the need to be
protective. That's how Mama is with her pack. And that's what
Grandma Rae never understood.